I am often asked which beers I have, "on tap." I have a couple of standard beers which I like to make and a copy of specialty beers which I only make "in season". Some of the beers I make regularly are:
1. British Style Indian Pale Ale. Dark amber beer with a sweet malty and slightly bitter finish.
2. Oatmeal Stout. Black colored and complex beer with deep coffee and chocolate like finish. Uses 6 different grain types and 3 different hops!
3. Golden Ale. Golden colored, flavored using aroma hops, with a light malty finish.
Other beers I make on occasions are:
1. California Style IPA. Golden-amber colored and bitter. Hopped with Cascade and Challenger hops.
2. Blümlibier (Flower Ale). Golden Ale spiced with dried Elderberry (Holunderblüten) and Linden flowers from our garden.